Time Table Management

Advantages Of Time Table Software For Schools

Schools are known for being the place that makes us disciplined and teaches us the importance of punctuality. In order to run school management efficiently, it is essential to have an order in the schedule. Abiding time in a school is necessary to hone the learning experience of the students and to achieve the optimal use of resources. However, that doesn’t absolve the hundreds of hours the staff has to spend on managing timetables for classes and courses, especially when technology is growing every day at a considerable pace and has all the time-saving solutions such as timetable management systems.

Paperless Timetable Generation

Before the Time table management system, Creating timetables was one of the biggest headaches for teachers and the staff. Managing schedules, routing, and planning of school buses allotting classes to teachers, calculating each employee’s leave, preparing pay scale, and much more planning like these. Earlier management had to sit with pen and paper and use to draft 100 of schedules before they reach and find the best option. The first & chief advantage of shifting to an automatic school timetable generator system is that it excludes the exhausting manual operations and saves countless hours of the faculty. Promoting a paperless environment is an added benefit to the process.

Clash free schedule generation 

Manually generated timetables can always have errors. As many people put in their ideas into the plan, sometimes the same teacher gets allotted to a different class. It causes a lot of hassle in the school, and management needs to reschedule the entire day. But with the Time table management system the school gets the provision to generate a clash-free timetable based on outlines such as – number of classrooms, availability of teachers, number of subjects, number of branches, sections, and much more. It guarantees optimal utilization of resources and equally distributes the lectures, including the library, laboratory, sports, and extracurricular activities.

Time Table Management Software

Substitution management

It becomes manic when the teacher is absent, and management gets to know about it only in the morning before the class begins. Having to arrange substitution in these situations becomes stressful and tiring. Timetable management software can help you evade such chaos. Timetable management software views all leave taken by teachers and allows substitutions to the class accordingly. 

Simplifying The Payroll Calculation

In enhancement to modifying the learning environment of the schools, the time table management system is also helpful to calculate the payroll of the faculty members. With the data like – total number of lectures conducted in a month, the total number of leaves, and working hours, payroll management can be organized without any hassle.

High security

Unlike file racks when managing your class schedules manually, your data will be well guarded with a Timetable Management system. Its design has necessary security measures to secure your data and make it non-vulnerable to cyber-attacks while assuring you of information confidentiality with role-based permissions and privileges. Additionally, when you store data on a computer, you can have a foolproof data backup plan too. So one doesn’t need to worry about data loss or destruction caused by technical errors, natural disasters, or emergencies like fire. 

Accessible employee details

While maintaining and creating records on every employee of a school, management can end up making errors, or they sometimes miss out some details. It leads them to search for the whole school in case they need some information regarding an employee in the future. Timetable management software can come beneficial in such situations. It stores every employee details, and one can easily access them in-case it needs to refer to it in the future. 

Planning Schedule

The Time Table Manager module from Cybrain Software Solutions empowers institutions to manage the scheduling of school activities. Their system will assist with this tiresome work of manually generating timetables for your institution. The Time Table Manager has combined all the features required to develop a fully functional schedule quickly according to students, subject, room, teacher, department and grade/class. It automates the scheduling of school activities while ensuring the best utilization of resources. It provides a clear view through web applications and is supported by mobile devices as well. 


By examining the education system synopsis, regulating the time table management software is more beneficial than preparing timetables manually. It supports lessening risk as well as the headache of school authorities, especially the teachers and the staff who are responsible for creating a time table. Thus, it is proper to take the aid of software for better management of schools. It will undoubtedly maximize the workflow & minimize wastage of time.